Kategorie: Allgemein

Zertifikate für Drucker hp M283

openssl pkcs12 -export -in /root/letsencrypt/certs/tzsz_de/cert.pem -inkey /root/letsencrypt/certs/tzsz_de/privkey.pem -out /root/letsencrypt/certs/tzsz_de/drucker.pfx -name drucker.tzsz.de -passout pass:certpass
curl -v --insecure -u admin:webpass https://drucker.tzsz.de/hp/device/Certificate.pfx --form upload=@/root/letsencrypt/certs/tzsz_de/drucker.pfx --form Password=certpass


Securing an HP LaserJet printer with LetsEncrypt

Installing TLS certificates on HP printers automatically

PDFs zu den Links

Securing an HP LaserJet printer with LetsEncrypt – Peter Hicks‘ Blog

Installing TLS certificates on HP printers automatically – Peter Hicks‘ Blog

Homebrew cask update

There is now finally an official upgrade mechanism for Homebrew Cask (see Issue 3396 for the implementation)! To use it, simply run this command:

brew upgrade --cask

However this will not update casks that do not have versioning information (version :latest) or applications that have a built-in upgrade mechanism (auto_updates true). To reinstall these casks (and consequently upgrade them if upgrades are available), run the upgrade command with the --greedy flag like this:

brew upgrade --cask --greedy

To get outdated:

brew outdated --cask --greedy --verbose